Day 33b: Progress without Progressing … (05/17/2019)

I bid the church a-Dieu (pun lovingly intended 😉 ) and headed down towards Lake Geneva to commence the day’s slow hobble southwestward, and yet my attempts at making it back to the lakeside Camino were thwarted by one dead-end after another. :O I then managed to re-strain my right hip while scramble-limping back the way I had come, and I began to wonder just how far I would be able to flow on this already most-difficult of days :O :O … These quite painful physical developments led to me walking extremely slowly & gingerly for the next hour or so, and yet I found myself remaining positive nonetheless — mostly in wonderment over the fact that each morning seemed to be more & more painful than ones previous, and yet still I had been able to move further & further along The Way …

Soon thereafter, just as a light misty rain began to fall, I came across a covered place of rest in the form of a local bus stop, and I gratefully accepted that shelter and thankfully soaked in that rest … 🙂

“There are moments that pose questions and there are moments that answer the same.” ~ via Zora Hurston