Day 11d: Another heartful Hearth … (04/25/2019)
As dusk dawned on the end of Day 11, I took the time to wander around downtown Denzlingen and find the night’s two primary sleeping spots — one in case it didn’t rain and another in case it did. The former turned out to be a relatively comfortable bench under an overhanging tree in the front courtyard of the local Catholic Church and, even though stormclouds were indeed brewing on the distant horizon, I hunkered down there for the night … A few hours of relatively restless sleep later, I awoke fully and realized that a light was still on in the nearby church offices, so I shrugged my shoulders, walked over to the church, and knocked on the door. It didn’t take long for a still-awake Father Nelson to open up, hear my tale, and offer me a youth-room sofa upon which to sleep — a sofa that proved to be far more comfortable than my bench, and a youth-room that kept me out of what turned out to be a rather torrential downpour later that evening … 🙂
“Life is not actually a matter of holding good cards or drawing better ones. More often than not, life is about choosing to play one’s poor cards courageously.” ~ via Jack London