Chapter 20: Different goals for different Ends

In harmony with the information offered in the previous chapter, it is important to note that we cannot effectively alter our intentions without simultaneously crystallizing the vision of our desired outcome(s) – that we cannot truly act for the another mindfully unless we begin with their “better end” in mind. That having been stated, feel free to humbly ponder (& then courageously pro-act) the following …

*Whereas Zone 1 advocates set their sights on their own survival &/or success by caring for their own “friends & family” (i.e. those people – including themselves – who are being good to them &/or who will care for them in return), Zone 2 acolytes aim for a life of greater “abundance” (material wealth &/or mental “peace”) by caring for those who are like-minded (&/or for all those for whom they feel obligated to care). Zone 3 assistants, in stark contrast, have selfless service as their lone goal – desiring solely to lessen the burdens of others &/or intensify their joy. These are the ones who exude compassion to all they encounter – especially when feeling least able to do so; especially to strangers &/or their enemies (those who are blatantly not of like-mind); &/or especially while reaping repugnance, rejection, &/or ridicule therefrom.



*While Zone 1 affiliates “love” their ego-selves for their own benefit (often via regreting &/or replaying the past in order to assuage their angst of &/or manifest their desires for the future) and Zone 2 disciples cherish their “true selves” for similar reasons (“loving” their lives by “respecting” themselves; doing so often via passively observing their surroundings or mentally pondering &/or learning about the same), Zone 3 enthusiasts actually Love their deeper Selves by actively Caring for others – doing so intentionally & intimately while fully immersing their thoughts & their emotions into their encounters. These are the ones who have come to understand that the only way to truly “go with the flow” is to make each moment a conscious expression of unity. These are those who know that personal goals & individual wishes are nothing more than stumbling blocks on the Path to true Awakening.



*Zone 1 patrons strive to satisfy the demands supposedly made by their God in order to “get to Heaven” in the next life. Their god is an all-powerful celestial dictator – one who watches and judges from “on high;” offering eternal salvation for those who bow down to Him appropriately and inflicting eternal damnation on those “sinners” who fail to do the same. These are the ones whose religious convictions are certain, and thereby those whose condemnations of others prove to be scathingly arrogant & scaldingly condemnatory. Quite differently, Zone 2 crusaders seek to “be a good person” in order to attain a measure of salvation in this, their current lifetime. Their godheads are far more nebulous rulers; those who reside within the heart as much as they do above the head – those who punish sins not with torments after one’s death, but rather via the accumulation of “bad karma” while one is still alive. These individuals are soaked in spiritual schmaltz – a lukewarm neutrality that appears to be built of respect & humility, but is in actuality a brittle coating of laziness & cowardice. Zone 3 champions, in brilliant differentiation, holed neither concrete visions of God nor inflexible creeds or dogmas. Instead, they strive to become active agents of the Divine – by living as bold embodiments of Love. These are the ones completely unconcerned with attaining heavenly rewards or reaping horrific punishment – desiring instead solely to bring peace to times of conflict, harmony to moments of discord, joy to times of sadness, &/or greater wholeness to moments of dis-ease. These are the ones who would gladly turn down any offer of eternal postmortem happiness, that they might return to the trials & tribulations of life to soothe the sufferings of those still living.



*Zone 1 proponents are certain that divine providence (known as “Grace,” “inspiration,” &/or “spiritual clarity”) is a rare gift – bestowed “from above” upon “true believers;” those who are correct in their assumptions about God, and yet who are also ever less-than-worthy of the celestial blessings provided. Zone 2 devotees, on the other hand, believe that “Grace” is given to all – “fiercely” to the ignorant (via times of abject failure, intense pain, &/or overwhelming dis-ease) or gently to the “enlightened” (via moments of serendipitous fortune, miraculous beauty, &/or euphoric joy). In contrast, Zone 3 enliveners that Grace is an ever-present given, not a random or occasional gift. Indeed, these are the ones who understand that life itself is & ever remains the greatest of blessings; and that whether circumstances seem especially “fierce” or incredibly soothing, it is an honor and a privilege – indeed, the greatest of all gifts – to be able to consciously respond thereto with deeds of humble appreciation & courageous generosity.



*While Zone 1 backers strive to attain “salvation” for their own Souls (preferably before the arrival of an apocalyptic “2nd Coming”) and Zone 2 followers focus on helping to manifest a dramatic expansion of awareness (a.k.a. The “Great Shift” – the alignment of others’ more primitive beliefs with one’s own far more enlightened oes) for all, Zone 3 adherents understand that neither of the aforementioned goals is at all pertinent – that individual “salvation” is always a single courageously caring choice away for any individual, and that any worthwhile “shift” in collective consciousness can only be furthered by acting selflessly; never by speaking persuasively. Indeed, both of these ideologies are innately self-fixated & self-lauding, and as such serve to entrench the same society-wide expressions apathy, greed, &/or arrogance that are actually suppressing the very Mass Awakening they profess to champion. As such, the Zone 3 person is the one who wholeheartedly believes in the latent-yet-ever-available Enlightenment of every individual he or she ever encounters – and thus is the one who acts with genuine wholeheartedness whenever in the presence of the same.



*Zone 1 servants struggle to make an inevitably imperfect world better for themselves (with their primary purpose being to engender a life that is long & comfortable; steadily hoping to accrue as little pain and as much pleasure as possible) – investing in good physical health &/or pleasurable experiences to attain the same. Zone 2 accomplices, in clear variation, believe in making a potentially perfect world accessible for themselves and those of like mind (feeling that the purpose of life is to learn &/or remember as much as possible; and thereby to eventually gain “inner peace” &/or the raw contentment of “enlightenment”) – investing in expanded mental clarity &/or peaceful experiences to attain the same. Zone 3 participants, in bold contrast, know that life is not an extended pathway to walk, but rather a series of independent-yet-interconnected moments – fully potent instances in which one is allowed to revel in Beauty &/or boldly Care for others by both willingly & actively self-sacrificing for the benefit of anyone or everyone nearby. These are the ones who understand that the Purpose of Life is to live Meaning-fully, and that to live Meaning-fully is to live lovingly. These individuals are the ones who have come to comprehend that life is more than play – for truly living requires Caring; that life is more than learning – for truly living demands Giving; and that life is more than “becoming enlightened” – for truly living requires Serving others in need.



“Enlightenment knows that, while there is no place one needs to go, we must still travel deep into the places we already are … Enlightenment knows that, while there is nothing one needs to do, we must still act selflessly; must still attempt to lessen others’ suffering or enhance their Joy … Enlightenment knows that, while there is nobody one needs to be, we must still enliven our truest Selves; must still bravely embody the conscience that lives & loves within us … Enlightenment knows that, while the world is indeed perfect as it already is, it is perfect precisely because it is “flawed” – rife with pain & discord, and thus ripe with opportunities to ease or ameliorate the same. Enlightenment knows that, while there is always a better time to act, we must still sink wholeheartedly into our Here&Now; must repeatedly give the Universe yet another gentle nudge as its arc of underlying Harmony winds & whirls its way steadily towards an ultimate Oneness … Enlightenment knows that, while there is indeed no need to change anyone or alter anything, we must still do whatever we can (wherever we already are, for whomever is nearest by) to bring harmony to discord, peace to conflict, joy to despair, &/or kindness to fear.” ~ anonymous