Chapter 19: Varied reasons for Beginning

(the differing inspirations behind journeying beyond the primitive)

Each of three Zones of Being are actualized by uniquely different underlying intentions. As such, it is only possible to truly alter your actions’ outcomes after first altering the motivations that inspire & fuel those choices. With this in mind, feel free to humbly ponder (& thereafter courageously pro-act) the following …

*Zone 1 advocates think that no one is “summoned” or asked or even offered to be or do anything in particular. They are certain that they are ultimately alone in their individual lives and can essentially do whatever they desire. As such, these are the ones destined to suffer through days & months & years filled with superficial pleasures, hollow accomplishments, & fruitless relationships. Zone 2 acolytes, on the other hand, believe that “the worthy” (i.e. themselves and those of like-mind) are summoned to “do God’s will” &/or that those who are “mature” will somehow fulfill the same. These are the ones who delve deeply into learning about morality or salvation or ethics or Right Action, and yet are also those who rarely embody the same (doing so from a sense of obligation &/or a desire for reciprocal reward if they do so at all). Zone 3 assistants, in critical contrast, understand that every single sentient being has indeed been Called – summoned by their conscience within, and offered the most honored privilege of all: serving others instead of themselves; caring about others’ interests ahead of their own.



*While escaping pain &/or accumulating ease or pleasure as their essential sources of motivation for all Zone 1 proponents (having “the good life” or returning to “the good old days” – fear-based, self-centered yearning that prevents one from engendering or experiencing any semblance of real harmony in life or its relationships), Zone 2 followers are driven to “evolve” &/or “find inner peace” &/or live a less stressful life (a similarly self-focused existence that – both ironically & tragically – actually prevents the experience of harmony in one’s surroundings by striving for the same in & for oneself). Zone 3 participants, on the other heart, desire solely to become powerful forces for Good – wanting only to do whatever they can wherever they are for whomever is closest by. These are the ones who know that real Harmony is only truly embodied (and thereby only truly experienced) in those moments when one is acting accordingly – in those moments when one willingly sacrifices for another (especially those deemed by others to be “undeserving” of the same) as if he or she were one’s dearest companion, and this regardless of what might well happen to oneself as a result.



Love itself is of such an innately divine nature that we are right only when rejecting as utterly intolerable the notion that it could ever be in any way conditional or transitory. For real Love easily overleaps even the massiveness of our selfhood and makes even our strongest appetites altruistic; almost flippantly tossing aside our personal happiness as a triviality, and stolidly planting the interests of the other into the very center of our being … Indeed, Love is neither more nor less than the condition in which the happiness of another person becomes the foundation of our deepest Purpose … As such, it can be seen as true that the interests of others always matter more than your own. So get over it – and get on with it!” ~ inspired by C. S. Lewis, Robert Heinlein, & Audrey Hepburn