February 13 … Refreshing the Rainbow

Find a color without a name (there are actually quite a few of them) or a color that has a name that could well use replacing.  Create a fresh name for your chosen hue and go through the day looking for that color while informing others of its name (e.g. I helped re-name yellow-orange — Crayola’s “macaroni & cheese” – as the below-pictured muntella, and have been telling people, especially children, about it ever since).  If feasible, find a ribbon or article(s) of clothing that matches your new shade and wear it all day today.

(And yes … it is in fact VEGAN!)

Bonus Activity:  Find the color you dislike the most and rename it as well, giving it a name that reflects something fun or beautiful.  If feasible, find either a ribbon or an article of clothing (or anything) that exhibits this color and wear it for a day.