January 16 … Eliminating Addiction

Everyone has more than one personal addiction.  They may not be traditional (like alcohol, cigarettes or drug abuse), and yet any behavior that is both self-centered & self-destructive qualifies.  This can be overeating, gossiping about others, consuming animal flesh &/or mammary secretions (a.k.a “dairy”), engaging in superficial sexual intercourse, immersing yourself in “the news,” or watching soap operas … With this Truth in mind, take a few moments to identify and list your addictions.  And after you’ve displayed the courage to honestly do so, rank them all from most to least difficult to stop.  Finally, completely disregarding whether or not you feel you should dismiss them at all, pick your most difficult addiction and do not feed or engage it at all today in any way or to any degree.

Bonus Activity:  Every time a craving to satisfy your “top addiction” surfaces, instead of rejecting that impulse, actively replace it with a selfless alternative – instead of satisfying the urges of self, seek to soothe to struggles of another.