December 30 … Art Appreciation

Today is a day to appreciate Art in your Life.  This presents a number of options – going to an art museum being the most obvious among them.  If you do go to a museum, that’s great, and yet your task for the day is to find art in unconventional spaces – sculptures in the park, the architecture downtown, the unusual way a man or woman might wear their hair, the wind-swept curve of a certain tree … More importantly, regardless of where you happen to find your art, the task involves appreciating it.  This means that the art must be recognized, calmly taken in, and then complimented (by word or deed) in some way (e.g. leave flowers at/on the sculpture, leave a note for the building manager about its graceful architecture, verbally compliment the snazzy hairdo, and/or hug the tree, etc) … Do this three (3) times during the day today, and then share your experiences with a friend or family member this evening.