adding to the Joy … (12/23/10)

It is possible to decrease the suffering in the world by adding to the Joy.

It is possible to add to the Light rather than try to destroy the Darkness.

Once you begin to acknowledge random acts of Kindness – both the ones you have received and the ones you have given – you can no longer believe that what you do does not matter.

It is as if you are dancing along a beach, making footprints on the edge where the shoreline meets the sea. No one is applauding. No one even sees your splendid gyrations of Joy. You know full well that the tide will come and wash away the marks your dance has left. Still, the dance Lives on in your Heart, as does the simple, clean delight of being Alive. As you are about to leave, you turn to face the shoreline one last time and you notice a small child, fitting his feet into your tacks – spinning and giggling.

In that Moment, you Know there is less suffering in the world.

You Know that you do make a difference.”

~ Dawna Markova