Seasons of Forever … (07/03/11)

“The Seasons of Forever”

Here on the frontier, the leaves are falling …

And though I am surrounded by those lost & lonely,

And you, you are thousands of miles away,

There are still two cups on my table.


Here on the frontier, the snow is glistening …

And though I am surrounded by emptiness,

And you, you are quiet in the distance,

There are still two cups on my table.


Here on the frontier, the robins are singing …

And though I am surrounded by friends,

And you, you are happy in your elsewhere,

There are still two cups on my table.


Here on the frontier, the wildflowers are in bloom …

And though I am surrounded by angels,

And you, you reside forever in my Soul,

There are still two cups on my table.

(inspired by T’ang Dynsaty poem — China)