Some specific contrasts — Chapters 16-18

*Revelation 16:17 shows “a loud voice from the throne” crying “It is done!” at the conclusion of a scene of enormous apocalyptic destruction, while Jesus in the Gospels utters “It is accomplished” at the end of his ministry of perfect, selfless Love. (see John 19:30)


*Revelation 16:19 shows “God” giving Babylon the “cup of the fury of his wrath”, while Jesus in the Gospels openly spoke of (and openly offered) a cup of willing self-sacrifice & perfect Love.  (see Matthew 20:22-23, Matthew 26:42,  Mark 14:36, Luke 22:20, John 4:4-14 et al)


*Revelation 17:6 negatively portrayed Babylon “drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses of Jesus”, and yet Jesus himself offered his blood freely as a covenant of Kindness (see Matthew 26:28, Mark 14:24, Luke 22:20 & John 6:56) and encouraged us all to freely do the same. (see Matthew 16:24-26 + John15:13 et al)


*Revelation 18:8 again shows God as a wrathful judge, while Jesus could not have been clearer in the Gospels when he testified that his Father would judge no oneever. (see John 5:22, John7:24, John 8:15, John 10:38, John 11:41-42, John 12:26, John 12:48 et al)


*Revelation 18:11-23 (along with several other of its passages) show The End as a time of great sorrow & despair & mourning for many, whereas Jesus in the Gospels noted that one of primary reasons behind his ministry was “so that my Joy might be within you, and that your Joy might be complete.” (see John 15:11)
