Some specific contrasts — Chapters 10-14

*Revelation 10:4 has a “voice from heaven” demanding that the author keep the words of “the seven thunders” to himself, while Jesus in the Gospels spoke “openly to the world” and “said nothing in secret.” (see John 18:20)


*Revelation 11:18 (also Revelation 19:15 & 20:4) speaks to a time of judging the dead – of rewarding those “who fear” and “destroying those who destroy the Earth”, and yet Jesus in the Gospels made it very clear that neither he (John3:17, John 12:47 et al) nor the Father (Luke 6:36 & John 5:22) would ever judge anybody, and that no rewards were to be reaped by any of us – that we are to simply Love one another, regardless of anything that happens or doesn’t happen to or for us thereafter.  (see John 13:15 – “Do as I have done for you”, John 15:17 – “I am giving you these commandments so that you will Love one another”, and Matthew 20:28 – “The Son of Man has come to serve, not to be served”)



*Revelation 14:6-7 shows an angel pronouncing an “eternal gospel” of salvation via giving God glory by openly fearing Him, while the Jesus of the Gospels clearly felt that the “Kingdom of Heaven” was an imminent, Here&Now state of being (see Luke 17:20-21 + Matthew10:7) — only accessible by choosing to selflessly Care for others. (see Matthew 24:12-14 + John 13:15-17)


*Revelation 14:10 (along with Revelation 14:19, Revelation 15:1, Revelation 15:7, Revelation 16:1, Revelation 19:15 & Revelation 20:10) speaks graphically of “the wrath of God”, and yet the Jesus of the Gospels repeatedly speaks of the Divine Father as a God of perfect Love & unconditional Mercy.  (see Matthew5:40-48, John 5:22, Luke 3:6, Luke 6:36, the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, etc etc etc)


*Revelation 14:14 shows Jesus seemingly reappearing in physical form, even though Jesus himself stated that he would actually be with us in Spirit, “always, until the ends of days.” (see Matthew 28:20b, John 11:25-27, John 14:26, John15:26, John 16:7, John 16:13-14 et al)