9th Fruit — Synopsis …

SYNOPSIS:  Truly Faith-full actions always encourage selflessness … They are interconnected, intuitive, and virtuous (a.k.a. “moral”).


DETERMINING FACTOR:  During decision-making, ask your Self — “Is this particular option a selfish one or a selfless (i.e. virtuous) One?  Is it inflexibly ‘certain’, or is it flowing & open-minded?”




“According to your Faith, let it be done for you …” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 9:29)


“Ye of little Faith, why do you doubt?” ~ Jesus Christ (in Matthew 14:31)


“If you have Faith the size of a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for You.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 17:20)


“Blessed is she who Believed, for there will be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord.” ~ Luke 1:45


Your Faith has Saved you; Go in Peace.” ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 7:50)


“Receive your Sight; your Faith has Saved you.” ~ Jesus Christ (Luke 18:42)


“Do not doubt, but Believe … Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to Believe.” ~ Jesus Christ (John 20:27+29)


Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord [see Exodus 3:14 & Matthew 1:23] shall be Saved.” ~ Acts 2:21


“The Righteousness of God is revealed through Faith for FaithThe one who is Righteous will Live by Faith … For it is not the hearers of the Law who are Righteous in God’s Sight, but rather the Doers of the Law who are justified … For we hold that a person is justified by Faith apart from those works that are prescribed by the law.”  ~ Romans 1:17+2:13+3:28


We walk by Faith, not by sight.” ~ 2 Corinthians 5:7


“Now it is evident that no one is justified before God via the law; for the one that is Righteous via Faith will Live … The only thing that counts is Faith working through Love.” ~ Galatians 3:11+5:6


“What good is it if you say you have Faith but do not have Works? … Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead … You may believe that God is One and do well, but even the demons believe and shudder … Know, therefore, that a person is justified by works and never by Faith alone.”~ James 2:14+17+19+24