9th Fruit — Clarifications …

First of all, real “Faith-fullness” is not to be confused with intellectual narrow-mindedness or religious zealotry.  Faith does not require our assimilation into any particular religious group or ideology (“Beware the yeast of the Pharisees and the Sadducees.” ~ Jesus in Matthew 16:6).  It also doesn’t require any adherence to any particular creed.  In fact, true Faith requires a Believer to remain completely independent from all man-made dogmas (“For we cannot do anything against the Truth.” ~ 2 Corinthians 13:8); raw Freedom which allows us to remain consciously interdependent with all of life (“God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who respects Him and does what is Right is acceptable to Him.” ~ Acts 10:34-35) …


Being truly Faith-full also does not mean that we are to be in any way “passive.”  To the contrary, to actualize God’s Will, we must actively apply our Faith in Divine Guidance – we must do so openly, and we must often do so irrationally (“Show me your Faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my Faith … [Abraham’s’] Faith was active along with his works, and his Faith was brought to completion by those works.” ~ James 2:18+22) …
