John 14:16-17 … The Advocate Within (07/24/16)

Right Action (what some call “morality” or “Goodness”) is not about what your friends say or what you learned from your parents … It’s not about what you were taught in school or what your preacher told from the pulpit … It’s not about being religiously devout or following acceptable social norms, and it sure as heck isn’t about towing any particular political line.

No, my Friends, you don’t need any of those often-false guides to allow your inner Awesome Decency blossom in full. For just as you already know that it is wrong to murder, and to rape, and to enslave, and to torture — just as you already know that it is wrong to lie, and to cheat, and to manipulate, and to steal … Just as you already know these things, so too do you know the opposite — that Justice is for ALL; that Goodness reigns over selfishness; that Love always triumphs over anger & fear … You don’t need anyone to tell you these things — and you certainly don’t need to heed any pundits or politicians or preachers trying to tell you differently.

My dear, dear Friends, you already know that it is wrong to cause others unnecessary suffering; that it is wrong to make your pleasure more important than others’ pain — and you already know just as clearly that it is just as Right & just as Good & just as True to do exactly the opposite; to serve others even when tired — to forgive those who offend — to sacrifice for strangers — to defend those who are being abused.

You already KNOW all these Truths, my Friends. Indeed, you have understood them quite fully since your earliest years …

All that remains now is for you to have the courage to go forth and BRING THEM TO LIFE!

Amen … Let it be so.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever. This Advocate is the Spirit of Truth — an essence that the world cannot receive, because those of the world neither see it nor know it. And yet you already know it, because it abides with you, and it will be forever within you.” ~ Jesus Christ (John 14:16-17)

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