To Rise Again … (07/02/16)

America is falling, my Friends — and she, like so many nations before her, is falling hard; hard & fast into the chilling darkness of poverty & hunger & homelessness — hard & fast into the steaming haze of bigotry & divisiveness & anger — hard & fast into the slobbering maw of war falsely justified by “national security” & racist violence falsely justified by “law & order” — hard & fast into the delusion of political change & the illusion of religious charity.

And yet even though America is falling, there is one thing that most “experts” seem to consistently forget: namely, that America is made up of Americans — and that Americans are human beings — and that we human beings are, when it gets right down to it, as courageously good-hearted as we are remarkably resilient.

So yes, we are collectively soaking in a time of ignorance and desolation … and yes, we are indeed falling faster & faster towards an almost unavoidable catastrophe of both nation & state …

AND YET we are humans, after all, which means that many of us will survive this Fall, and that many of those who survive it will inevitably transcend the days of bleakness that are sure to follow … We will survive them — and then we will awaken — and then we will remember who we truly are — and then we will come together — and then we will begin to thrive …

… and then We Will Rise Again.

We will take the pain that we have been given — nay, accept the suffering that we have so clearly (and so masochistically) chosen to embrace, and we will transcend it anyway … We will rise from the ashes of our bigotry and instead choose to Care for strangers & be Kind to our enemies … We will rise from the ashes of our cruelty towards “inferior cultures” & “lesser animals” and choose instead to cherish ALL beings as brothers & sisters … We will rise from the ashes of a society steeped in sloth & apathy & a feeble reliance upon “leaders” both impotent & corrupt and choose instead to be our own Leaders; to let our governments crumble and literally become ourselves the change we so need to see.

The devastation of our current Fall might indeed be our incontrovertible Fate, my dear Friends, and yet our Rise subsequent is just as much our inevitable Destiny.

So please go forth today and do your part to help us both Fall with grace — and then Rise with power thereafter.

Thank you.

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