The Giving Tree … (07/02/16)

The quote that follows is probably the best synopsis of the brilliant book “The Giving Tree” that I have ever read … It absolutely nails it — just like the book absolutely nails it. Some folks are starting to wake up to the fact that the only true Joy in life comes not merely when we give to others but rather when we Joy-fully sacrifice to give to them; and yet where Scotty takes the next step is in reminding us all that the greatest suffering we will ever know comes from wasting our preciously fleeting lives by steadily accumulating “wealth” & “comfort” & “success” for ourselves …

Let go of the latter to enliven the former … Peace

“The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein is one of the greatest spiritual parables of modern times. When I was a kid, I couldn’t understand why the tree was so damn happy while the little punk-ass kid was seemingly taking advantage of it. I hated this kid. I wanted to kick him in the nuts and throw rocks at him … Now I get it. The Giving Tree is the meek and all-powerful. Don’t worry about the tree — the tree feels great. You have to worry about the kid … Poor kid.” ~ Scotty Mühleib

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“While it is not for me to encourage you to practice giving in any certain manner, it is my intention to re-mind you how powerful your opportunities to give can become … The most potent generous act is the one that gives more than is expected, without a desire for reimbursement, in times of personal dis-ease and to those deemed ‘least deserving’ … Giving more than is expected assures that your generosity will not be tainted by others’ hopes or feelings of entitlement. Giving without the desire for personal reward assures that your generosity will be witnessed as such. And giving in times of personal distress to those deemed “least deserving” radically enhances the effectiveness of that generosity – because the more difficult an act is to engage, the more powerful it becomes.” ~ anonymous

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