Page 68 … the fundamental Message

“The good news of salvation in Jesus Christ is the fundamental message of the Scripture.”

And in a sense, I would actually state that you are correct.  Jesus does speak of a way through which each & every person can attain salvation in his “Kingdom of Heaven” (a Kingdom only described specifically by Jesus one time in the entire Bible, in Luke 17:20-21); a salvation which can only come from fulfilling his “Good News” – which he described indirectly many times, and directly at least twice (see Matthew 10:7, where Jesus reminded us all that his Kingdom was already “at hand”, and Matthew 24:12-14, where he explained that entrance into this Here & Now realm of pure Bliss was attained during every act of joyful self-sacrifice performed for – &/or selfless Love given to – another).


You see, my Friend, at least as far as Jesus Christ was concerned, it is in actively following his Way of selfless Love that brings us across the narrow bridge to his realm of salvation, and that it is not in merely worshiping him that we can ever hope to arrive there.
