Page 89 … a Biblical Blueprint

You then claim that “The Bible is a blueprint for a way to live” and  that “Scripture is likened unto seed in many places.”


Fair enough.  I actually happen to agree with you here.   And yet if this is indeed the case, the question must be posed:  Why do you refuse to let the Bible’s “seeds” blossom from the very Scriptures you reference in your next few sentences?   Indeed, you cite Romans 12:19, Colossians 3:9, Romans 12:2 and Romans 7:19  to show that we are all supposed to transcend the sinful, aggression-prone way we were all instinctively created, AND YET you refuse to do so yourself in relation to the ignorant bigotry you evince towards homosexuals!


As such, though the Bible might very well be a “blueprint for a [proper] way to live”, it is a blueprint that you are not currently utilizing – and though the Scriptures do indeed contain “seeds” that could bear the most delicious Fruit, you are not acting in a way that will ever allow the same to blossom forth and bear the same.
