Page 95 … God, the Ultimate Excuse

“You say we judge others – [and yet this is] wrong!  To quote God’s Word is not judging!!!”


Lucy, in order to “quote God’s words” – unless you are merely reading them aloud as poetry, is to use them in a certain way and share them with a certain intent.  And it is extremely apparent that you & yours are doing just that whenever you quote Scripture herein – not only in choosing to focus on the very few verses that support your condemnatory position (while ignoring the many verses I offer that clearly that do not), but also in the way that you interpret those few verses that you do choose to cite.  That alone is judging, Lucy … You are making claims of certainty about things of which you have absolutely no objective knowledge.  And  in your case, this judgment happens to arrive in a heavy basket filled with promises of wrath & condemnation & suffering for all those who dare to disagree!




There are many ways to interpret the Scriptures, my dear Friend, and yours is but only one way among many equally valid alternatives.  Yes, it is true that the way I have chosen to do so is indeed at odds with yours, AND this way (the Way of Christ) remains a way that is just as available and just as appropriate (indeed, Jesus Christ – along with many modern Biblical scholars – would say it is actually far more available & far more valid) as your own!


“Biblical inerrancy basically boils down to the hollow claim (made by mostly white, and mostly highly conservative Christians) that ‘The Bible says what we say it says … So that means you have to listen to us as though we were God.’” ~ Fred Clark
