Page 347 … Honoring the Texts
Next you once again make the now-quite-stale argument about how I am somehow mistreating the Scriptures; making the accusation that “anything you don’t like you disregard.” … This is so very untrue, my Friend! Indeed, I am actually the one in our little chat who is actually including & examining & honoring the ENTIRE BIBLE, while you & yours are the ones who are discarding, dismissing &/or denigrating very large (and often very important) portions of it!!!
Tell me this, Lucy: how is it that you can claim to “believe the whole Bible” while completely discarding the quite obvious literal implications of Matthew 5:48 & 1 John 4:18? … And how is it that you can claim to “believe the whole Bible” while so causally dismissing the thousands of verses of Scripture that I have shared with you in this thread alone? … And how is it that you can claim to “believe the whole Bible” while openly denigrating the Bible’s own call for us to “test everything and hold fast only to what is Good” (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21)? – or for us all to “judge for [ourselves] what is Right” (Luke 12:57)? – or for us to “imitate what is Good, for whomever does Good is from God” (3 John 1:11)? Indeed, how is that possible, Lucy?
On the other hand, maybe – just maybe, my dear Friend – you are now ready to let your arrogance go, and become “humble as a child” once more. Just maybe you are finally ready to at least consider the Scripture I have been sharing with you … Maybe?
“Whoever becomes humble like a child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven … Be perfect [in your Love] as your heavenly Father is perfect [in His] … Do not judge others, so that you might also not be judged. For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you receive in return.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 18:4 + Matthew 5:48 + Matthew 7:1-2)