Page 688 … a Greater Commisssion

Next you quote the Great Commission from the Gospel of Mark to try and prove your point (“Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” ~ Mark 16:15-16), and yet you seem to have forgotten that Jesus himself very specifically defined the terms he used in that very same proclamation … Please consider the following biblical facts:
Fact … that to follow his “Gospel”, Jesus said we are to proclaim that Heaven is already Here (Matthew 10:7) and that anyone can enter it whenever they wish via acts of humble, self-sacrificial Love (Matthew 24:12-14).


Fact … that to embody his version of “belief”, Jesus said that we are not to think a pious thought or feel a zealous emotion or shout a statement of faith, but rather are to DO a deed of Love (“belief” for Jesus was a verb, and remains ever so – see John 14:12).


Fact … that to know his “baptism”, Jesus noted that we need not belong to a certain religion or fulfill a certain ritual, but rather that we must experience an internal awakening – an ego-cleansing “fire” (Matthew 3:11) that comes to all those who choose to repent from their arrogant ways of judgment & gluttony and return to a life of Love & Compassion instead (see Mathew 18:3-4 + Matthew 19:14).


In essence then, while you & yours are preaching a “gospel” to the whole world, my Friend, you are most certainly not preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


“And as you go, proclaim this Good News: The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand … And because of the increase of lawlessness, the LOVE of many will grow cold. And yet the one who endures [in LOVE] to the end will be saved.  And this Good News of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world … and then the end will come.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 10:7 + Matthew 24:12-14)
