Page 690 … The Salvation of Christ

“Jesus didn’t endure the cross for nothing; not if your salvation could have been accomplished any other way.”


Sadly enough, my dear Friend, it is the likes of you & yours who are still making a mockery of his sacrifice – by refusing to follow his teachings, and by adopting the Paulinist perversions thereof instead!  Please consider the following facts in this regard:


Fact … It was Paul who said that we are innately sinful (see Romans 8:21-23).  In contrast, Jesus said that we are innately Divine – that we are all inherently Children of God (see Matthew 11:30, Luke 12:32, Luke 13:18-19, John 13:10, John 14:4, John 17:5 & John 17:24) – and it was Jesus who then showed us his practical Way of radical, selfless Love that would allow us to re-enliven that same Bliss-full state of Being (see John 14:20 & John 15:11).


Fact … It was Paul who said that we are to worship Jesus as though he were God (see Romans 3:21-25 + Romans 5:8-9 et al).  In contrast, Jesus said repeatedly that we are not to do so, but rather are only to worship his all-Loving Father in Heaven (see Mark 10:18, Mark 13:31, Luke 6:46-47, Matthew 11:6, Mark 12:28-31, John 10:26, John 12:26, John 13:15, John 5:41, John 7:6, John 12:44-45, John 13:34-35, John 18:37, John 14:15, John 15:4).


Fact … It was Paul who defined the “Gospel” as believing in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead (see 1 Corinthians 15:13-14 & Acts 13:30-38).  In contrast, Jesus made it very clear that his Gospel consisted of A) realizing that Heaven is already Here & Now – already “at hand” (Matthew 10:7) and B) that everyone can enter his Kingdom (Luke 17:20-21) whenever they choose to joyfully sacrifice for the well-being of another (Matthew 24:12-14).



Fact … It was Paul who told us that “salvation” comes from being subservient to Jesus (see Acts 15:20-29, Romans chapter 4, 2 Corinthians 5:7 et al).  In contrast, Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice (as you so correctly point out) in order to show us as clearly as he could what he had been telling everyone over & over & over again for the three years prior to that fateful day on Golgotha – namely, that true Salvation comes only from actively Caring for others; especially in those times when we feel least able care, and especially for those we least care about (see Matthew 5:40-48, Matthew 21:43, Mark 8:34-35, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:21 Mark 12:30-34, Luke 6:27-49, Luke 8:15, Luke10:27-28, Luke 14:12-15, Luke 18:20-22, Luke 22:26, John 5:39-40, John 8:31, John 12:25, John 13:34-35, John 14:23, John 15:8, John 15:12-17 & John 17:26).
