Page 734 … exalting the Humble

You then go on to mention Mathew 23:23-24, which is quite odd, seeing as how that verse is most appropriately describing you & yours, not me (or anyone else who is championing The Way of Christ by fighting for the rights of the oppressed).


*Indeed, it is you & yours who are relying on “the law” to hypocritically & incorrectly (and thus unjustly) condemn homosexuals – and woe to you for doing so!


*Indeed, it is you & yours who are neglecting the “more important matters of justice & mercy and faithfulness” (to the teachings of Jesus Christ) – and woe to you for doing so!


*Indeed, it is you & yours who are “blind guides” of Scripture – “straining out gnats” from the Bible while “swallowing the camel” therein – and woe to you for doing so!


In truth, it is exactly this passage in Matthew which provides such a wonderful backdrop to the very next statement Jesus makes in that Gospel, a statement that provides a hefty “smackdown” of its own – a statement that fully blasts the very same hypocritical condemnations of others (in this case, homosexuals) that you & yours are evincing in this very thread!   Consider his words well, my Friend …


All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted … [You] hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate, but inside you are full of greed and self-indulgence … First clean the inside of your own cup, so that the outside might also become clean.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 23:12 + Matthew 23:25-26)
