Pages 759-760 … the evil of upholding Evil

Lucy:  People choose to be blinded, choose to uphold all sorts of evils … The Word of God is very clear, and there is no confusion as to how God wants us to live and love one another.  We are not judging homosexuals; only speaking the truth in God’s Word about them.  Scaughdt, you need to understand that.  If you seek Him with all our heart He will show you His truth, but you have to tune in to Him first, and that is something I think that you and Vanessa think you can do on your own.


Scaughdt:  Lucy, while your piousness is both incorrect & misplaced (and a Matthew 18:3-4 arrogance-violation to boot), I have faith that it is well-intended, so I thank you sincerely for it nonetheless! … And as far as the other content of your comment is concerned, I humbly offer the following comments & clarifications:
*01)  How false of you to even indirectly equate homosexuality with “evil”, when the Bible itself makes it so clear that it is not even a sin at all – For shame, my Friend!!!

*02)  As far as how God wants us to live and Love one another, if there truly were no confusion, then you & yours would not be so obviously confused.  While the Bible is definitely not clear on a great number of topics (hence the ever-ongoing debate amongst Biblical scholars over literally hundreds of passages & their implications … How do you & yours know more than those experts, I still wonder?), the words of Jesus Christ on this subject are very clear indeed (see Matthew 7:1-5, Matthew 18:3-4, Matthew 23:12, Matthew 23:25-26, John 8:7, John 13:34-35 et al).  And so again I ask you:   If Jesus Christ truly is your Lord & Savior, why do you place a far greater emphasis on verses in the Bible that directly contradict his teachings, specifically the teachings immediately aforementioned?



*03)  And additionally, how can you claim with such blatantly arrogant (and incorrectly ignorant) certainty that I am not “in tune” with the will of Christ, when I have been literally living his Way of selfless Love for more than a decade of my life?



Feel free to answer these important questions at your leisure, my dear Friend, and feel free as well to re-read the words of Jesus Christ in your Bible before you do so …



Lucy:  The definition of evil is “morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked; an evil life comprised of evil deeds” … Homosexuality satisfies these words, and also constitutes sin, don’t you think Scaughdt?   Sin, which is defined as – “a deliberate transgression of a religious or moral law; the deliberate disobedience to the known will of God; the condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience; an act regarded as shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong” … Additionally, it is a sin to cohabit in a sexual relationship without being married … I hope that helps you understand the concepts of sin and evil.

Scaughdt:  “Your definition of evil, while somewhat extremist, is essentially acceptable …

You believing that homosexuality in any way fits this definition is NOT.” ~ God



P.S.  Lucy, do you seriously believe that all couples who are living in a sexual relationship without being married are evil?!?  How medieval (and indeed how immoral) of you!


P.S.S.  Just as importantly, would you then admit that you are also evil, seeing as you & yours are clearly violating the known will of Jesus Christ, whom you see as God? (see Matthew 18:3-4 + Matthew 7:1-2 + Matthew 5:27-28 + John 8:7 + Matthew 23:25-26 etc etc etc) … Hmmmm … Now maybe you finally comprehend why this whole “damning others for their sins while simultaneously sinning myself” is such tricky business, and maybe you now see why Jesus was so staunchly against it!


Peace to you & yours …

Dialogue 53