Page 769 … condemning condemnation

“We have not condemned these homosexuals, Scaughdt.


Easy there, Lucy … You can tell me that you are not condemning homosexuals until you are blue in the face, and yet the fact still remains that you are in effect doing so.  You see, as I have explained already on a number of occasions herein, you & yours are freely choosing to worship a God who you know will either cause homosexuals to burn forever, or who at the very least will passively sit back and watch them do so – and you are openly praising this wickedly callous God – and you are telling others that it is actually good that He judges homosexuality in such an unjust & overly harsh manner!  As such, at the very least you are guilty of condemnation by proxy … And besides, the minute you announce publicly that homosexuality is a mortal sin with eternal damnation as its consequence, you have chosen to judge God’s judgment as correct, and thus have chosen to judge God’s condemnation as correct as ell … Thisiscondemnation, my Friend … Can you seriously still not see that?


And do you honestly believe that you can effectively hide behind whatever immoral statements the Bible makes and simply shrug your shoulders and say “Don’t look at me – God said it”?  Seriously?!? … How about slavery, Lucy (see Exodus 2:7 & Ephesians 6:5-9)?   … And how about animal cruelty (see Genesis 9:2 & Leviticus 11:1-47)?   … And how about sex slavery (see Genesis 19:8 & Judges 1:12-13)?  … And how about racism (see Numbers 25:1-13 & 2 John 1:10)? … And how about the denigration of women (see 1 Timothy 2:12 & 1 Corinthians 14:34-35)?  … And how about murdering babies (see Exodus 12:29-30 & Numbers 31:17-18)?   … And how about rape (see Deuteronomy 22:28-29 & Judges 21:10-24)?  … And how about genocide (see Deuteronomy 7:1-2 & Joshua 10:40)?   Your “God” supports every single one of these horrific evils at least once in the texts of your precious Old Testament, my Friend, so I guess you do too, right?


C’mon, Lucy … Of course you don’t!  You are a good & kind & caring & decent woman.  You know that persecution is wrong and you know that these abhorrent acts are patently immoral.  And I have faith that – deep down – you similarly know that bigotry against homosexuals is morally wrong as well.


P.S. And the Good News for you & yours is this:  You don’t need to denigrate or condemn homosexuality anymore to remain Good Christians; even good conservative Christians.  For, as I have proven to you many times before, the Bible clearly condemns only homosexual sex as a sin, not homosexuality itself!