Page 843 … conforming The Way

“This [the judgment of homosexuals as sinners, I assume] is what we stand for, Scaughdt, and this will not change.  We will not be conformed to society’s way of thinking.  You are fighting a losing battle in that regard.”


Fair enough, my Friend, though I will say that as a Follower of The Way of  Christ, it is impossible for me lose any battle – for the simple reason that I refuse to ever fight in one in the first place!  You see,  I am not fighting against YOU, Lucy; I am merely attempting to awaken the Goodness that already resides within your own Soul (see John14:20) – merely attempting to get you to wake up; merely attempting to get you to abandon your callous, anti-Christian judgments of others (see Matthew 7:1-2); merely attempting to get you to repent & return to living a life in harmony with the teachings of your own Lord & Savior (see John 3:8) … If you refuse to do so – if you are determined to continue to place the laws of the Old Testament on a pedestal above the ministry of Jesus Christ (who so clearly amended those same laws, and who so clearly would having nothing at all to do with their more bigoted expressions today), well then I cannot do anything about that … And yet if you do continue to do so, it will not be me who will be “losing”, Lucy.  No, my dear Friend, it will be the homosexuals damaged by your bigotry, it will be your fellow Christians for being further cast in a most unflattering light, and it will be you & yours for abandoning any hope you might have of entering Jesus’ Kingdom in this lifetime (see Matthew 18:3-4 & John 13:15-17 & Luke 17:20-21) who will lose indeed!

L506b fundamentalism feeds anti-ChristL506c