Page 846 … Choosing Wisely

“You can make all the allowances for sin you want and lead homosexuals to Hell if you want” … Goodness gracious, Lucy!  I wonder how many times I will have to explain this to you before you finally choose to “get it”.

Please pay attention this time!


*A)  I am not making allowances or excuses for any sins whatsoever; neither the possible lusting of any man or woman (gay or straight), nor the obvious arrogance hypocrisies of you & yours.  We all reap what we sow, my dear – that much seems true.  And yet (at least according to The Way of Christ) it is just as true that we also all reap only what we sow!


*B)  At least as far as this thread is concerned (and regardless of whether or not you ever go and hear him preach The Word of God), Oliver Clyde Allen – ISNOTSINNINGperiod!

… and finally,


*C)  “Hell” – at least as you & yours believe it to be – is not supported by the teachings of Jesus Christ; who actually spoke of Gehenna in the Gospels (which was the name of an actual burning garbage-dump on the outskirts of Jerusalem in his day) whenever he taught on the subject.  In addition, like many of the scholars of his day, Jesus saw “fire” and  “burning” as a cleansing process and not a punishing one, and he spoke of “Hell” just like he spoke of Heaven – namely, as a state of being we all inhabit in our current lives; inhabited whenever we are sinning selfishly (unlike his “Kingdom of Heaven”, which we all inhabit in every moment we choose to “pick up our cross” and follow him – by willingly self-sacrificing our own comfort &/or pleasure in order to bring others Peace &/or Joy).


In conclusion then, I am not making allowances for the sins of homosexuals, Lucy. I am simply reminding you that you need leave them and their sins alone and focus on your own sins instead.  For indeed, that is the only way you & yours will ever be able to entire the glorious realm that Jesus called “The Kingdom of Heaven” (see Matthew 18:3-4 + John 13:34-35)!

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In every moment of our lives, both the demonic & the Divine reside with us;
both waiting to be chosen … both waiting to be re-enlivened …
both waiting to be set in motion … Choose wiselyChoose LOVE!