Page 853 … Jesus never did

“I may err, Scaughdt, but Jesus never did and never will.  He said what he said, but you and I have to understand the context of what he was saying — who he was talking to, the divine timetable, and his purpose.”


Dan, I think this comment is spot-on correct, even though I admittedly see its accuracy from a very different perspective than you & yours.  Indeed, these three are precisely the things about which the Christian church – founded as it was on the teachings of Paul about Jesus (and not on the teachings of Jesus about his selfless Way) is completely missing the boat to this very day (“Let’s go to the other side” ~ Jesus; see Matthew 8:18, Mark 4:35, Luke 8:22 et al) …



*You see, while the Paul-based Christian church still thinks that Jesus was speaking to potential converts, Jesus himself was actually sharing his Way to Salvation with everyone – Christians & non-Christians alike …


*And while the conservative, Paulinist church still thinks that “the Divine Timetable” is properly focused on Jesus’ “2nd Coming” sometime in the future, Jesus himself was clearly speaking of our “2nd Coming” that is already available right Here & right Now …


*And while the pro-Paul Christian church still thinks that Jesus’ purpose was to save the “lost” from eternal damnation after they die, Jesus himself made it abundantly clear that he came to save the “lost” (most often – ironically – those like you & yours who arrogantly believe themselves to be “saved”) from missing out on his Kingdom of Heaven in this lifetime – a state of perfect Bliss that comes to all those willing to selflessly emulate his Way of perfect Love; and this, regardless of race or religion – and this, also regardless of one’s gender or particular sexual attraction.

D138 - Interfaithness

“At least as far as my heavenly Father is concerned,
the Kingdom of Heaven is open to anyone & everyone
who is willing to enliven my Way.”
~ Jesus Christ
(Matthew 5:48 + John 14:20-23)