Myth #40: “You vegans hate farmers.”

Actually, once again the opposite is true. Not only will a transition from corporate factory farms to vegan farms provide the farming community with more jobs and individual farmers with more money, it will provide them with a far superior work environment to boot! And this says nothing of the peace of mind that would come to all the farmer who would finally be aligning their actions with their values as opposed to merely their money. Black slavery was finally recognized as being morally repugnant even though it was highly profitable for the white elite in the Antebellum South. Similarly, the enslavement & murder of the members of other sentient species is equally wrong, no matter how economically advantageous it might be. After all, just because something is advantageous or beneficial, does not make it Right or Just.

In short, veganism is not trying to eliminate farming, my Friends … Going vegan will actually not only significantly expand the farming industry — it will significantly improve both the lives & the livelihoods of all the farmers in within it.


Current status of this Myth: Expunged
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE

40a1 vegan farming

