Myth #39: “Veganism discriminates against minorities.”

While going vegan does pull the plug on supporting an industry that primarily employs poor people of color, and while the principle of veganism would indeed be difficult to immediately employ in the very few regions of the world where people are actually starving due to inadequate agriculture, this in no way means that vegans discriminate against these people. Indeed, the opposite is true, as a vegan environment would actually provide far better jobs to those workers currently suffering in slaughterhouses, and veganism would provide far more & far healthier food to those currently suffering from a lack thereof.

Besides, if the issue truly is discrimination, then non-vegans have no fingers to point … for they are actually the ones doing the discriminating — against the millions of animals that their way of life enslaves, abuses and murders every day.


Current status of this Myth: Ousted
Justification it provides for eating animals: NONE

39 Racism, speciesism, sexism