real & true Power … (03/01/15)

It has come to my attention that quite a few of you believe in “The Law of Attraction”, at least in one form or another … Some of you believe that you can use focused thought to tap into “Universal Abundance”, and some of you believe that you can use conscious intention to “Co-create Wealth”, and some of you even believe that you can simply “pray in Christ’s name” and receive whatever your heart desires … Fair enough. Who am I to say otherwise, and who am I to stand in the way of your efforts to find such “happiness”?

Just know while you do so, my Friends, that you can use these and other “powers of manifestation” to reap all the riches and hoard all the pleasures and conjure all the comforts you wish … but that you will never ever know even the faintest portion of real Joy until you use your true Power (LOVE, the verb) to bring others the very Peace you yourself so desperately seek.

“Love is the affinity which links and draws together all the elements of the world … Love, in fact, is the ultimate agent of universal synthesis.” ~ Teilhard de Chardin

00 03:01a Manifest LOVE or keep it to yourself