on Letting GO … (03/01/13)

We can either cling to our fears & desires — and be steadily dragged through the halls of pain & despair,

… OR we can, just for today, replace our anxiety with courage and our yearnings with Love.
In-deed, we can all rise above our hollow dreamings of ease & fun to revel instead in the pure Bliss of joining hands with a fellow traveler —
… of reaching out to soothe another’s sadness;
… of opening up to forgive another’s anger;
… of going forth to become another’s Peace.

Just as steadily — one small choice at a time — we can free ourSelves to soar again as we did at birth.  It is never too late, my Friends, to fly free on the winds of Love & Kindness … just as we did in those glorious days when we were fresh & new.