All that really Matters … (03/16/14)

“No man or woman can really be strong or gentle or kind without the world being better for it; without somebody somewhere being helped or comforted by the very existence of that Goodness.” ~ Alan Alda

Life can be hard, it’s true, and we are all, each & every one of us, under immense pressures every day — pressure to perform, pressure to “be responsible”, pressure to achieve, pressure to “be good”, pressure to succeed, pressure to survive … Indeed, these stressors are so intense that we readily forget that they, while understandably common, don’t really matter at all; that in each & every new beginning of the rest of our lives there is only one thing that will truly matter in the end … and that thing is not wealth or influence or security or pleasure. It’s not even success or partnership or friendship or “happiness”.

No, my Friends, when all is said and done, there is only one thing you can do today that will have any lasting significance in your lives … and that thing is Love, the verb.

And so it is with this Truth in mind that I sincerely wish all of you a day empty of stress … via a day filled with Kindness.

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