on true Education … (03/16/11)

“True learning comes from a desire to satisfy curiosity, not from a docile effort to please some taskmaster. When so much of a child’s educational experience is teacher-directed and not curiosity-driven, you have a one-way ticket to boredom and failure.

My point is important: if a student loves a subject, the only teacher direction he/she needs is someone to help them cover the basics and to have a balanced understanding of the material. Until the student develops curiosity and a desire to learn, no amount of homework will result in learning.

Children have nature-endowed creativity that will blossom as soon as we quit over-structuring  their experiences into adult molds.

The butterfly comes from the caterpillar’s cocoon. If you try to rush the cocoon along and pick at it, the butterfly will die. If we try to rush the maturation of children by picking at the cocoon, we will only kill the child inside – the child that must fully experience being a child before it can fully become an adult.” ~ Dalton Roberts