Love is not blind … (05/29/13)

“For the rest of your life you are going to have a choice about how to read the actions & intonations of the people you meet. And I would encourage you to consider the possibility that the lives and experiences of others are as complex and as unpredictable as your own; that other people – be they family or strangers, near or far – are not simply one thing or the other; not simply good or evil, or wise or ignorant – but that they, like you, contain multitudes.” ~ John Green

LOVE isn’t blind at all. It clearly sees all things “bad” and “mean” and “greedy” and “dishonest” and “evil” … It sees these things, and then it simply chooses to keep looking; it chooses to peer deeper, past the behaviors of others to the gentle Soul always residing within them.

LOVE isn’t blind, my Friends …

To the contrary, LOVE is the only way to SEE.