being Civilized … (05/29/12)

Intelligence is one thing; being Civilized is quite another …

Yes, we are an advanced, intelligent species. We can speak, use tools, make machines and color coordinate our clothes — all great accomplishments (especially the latter).

And yet, even though these characteristics make us “smarter” than the other species on Earth, they don’t make us more Civilized.

We are human, yes, and yet we are still far from Humane.

Civilized species do not kill (or even condemn) each other over their religious beliefs. Civilized species do not take more than they need from their planet. Civilized species forgive their trespassers and share with those in need.

It is FAR more important to be Civilized than to be smart; It is FAR more important to be Kind than it is to be “powerful”; It is FAR more important to be a servant than it is to be a “ruler” …

We may be pretty clever, and yet we have along way to go before we qualify as truly Civilized.

And that long climb starts with you, and it starts today. Every step you take gets us a but closer to waking UP. Every anonymous deed of Kindness you do for a friend, every gentle smile you give to a stranger, every sincere forgiving you send to an enemy, brings us all that much closer to becoming what we were put here to become: Caring Caretakers of this glorious planet.

Every act counts — every act is significant.

LOVE is the true civility …

… got LOVE?