Faith vs. “faith” … (02/08/13)

How ironic that so many people these days openly profess to having “great faith”, when what they really mean to say is that they possess a fixed & immovable set of hopes — a set of dreams & desires that, however well-intended, have become a throttling, tightly-bound bundle of beliefs.

Faith intently listens, where belief merely preaches …

Faith bravely sacrifices, where belief merely persuades …

Faith actively cares, where belief merely ponders.

You see, real Faith is not limiting or judgmental … real Faith requires sincerely respecting others’ opinions even while humbly supporting one’s own. Faith is based in LOVE and Faith is that LOVE in motion …

In essence, Faith inspires Peace.

Belief (what many erroneously call “faith”), on the other hand, is both founded in fears past and supportive of fears futured. It requires only a concrete set of opinions that are tied unalterably to a static “reality”; an immutable viewpoint that is “simply right”. It champions its own truths over all others — doing so by way of mental, verbal & sometimes physical conflicts. With belief, respect becomes condemnation and support becomes conversion. Belief is based in fear — and fear (along with its cousins sadness and anger) is the “bad fruit” it bears.

In essence, belief brings bloodshed.

To a large degree, then, our resolving the great questions of Joy, Peace & Meaning comes down to where we choose to stand on the question of Faith vs. “faith”.

And while I only have “faith” that this distinction is now a little bit clearer,

… I have FAITH that you will go forth and do something with it.