Big-time Love … (02/24/12)

“I pray to tumble headlong into Love,

and not reach out even once to try and break the fall.” ~ Danna Faulds

Big-time Love requires some big-time courage —

… the courage to face the fears of rejection and ridicule —

… the courage to face the fears of danger and pain —

… the courage to face the fears of opening up to another person and letting them know,

regardless of how they might feel about you, … that you truly Care.

And this kind of Love cannot be relayed with words,

& it certainly cannot be communicated powerfully with mere thought …

No, to share big-time Love, we have to get out there and DO SOMETHING KIND —

especially for those who annoy us;

especially for those we dislike;

and especially for strangers.

So why not start with the latter?

Take 15 minutes of your day today and go give a sandwich or a bag of healthy cookies or a salad to a stranger.

It’s fun, and it will wake up the real You, and — much more importantly, it will shake the world!

“You need to pay more attention to what people do, not to what they say or how they seem.

It’s what they do that tells you about them.” ~ Jean Pasley (from the dear film “How About You”)

Real LOVE is a verb … got LOVE?