What are your goals for the future? … (02/08/12)
I have learned a few things during my radical “Experiment in Being Human”; things that directly relate to your questions — things I will very briefly share with you now:
1) I have learned that I do NOT know what is “best” for myself or what is “better” for anyone else. All of the goals and hopes and dreams and plans and resolutions from my past actually hindered my attainment of deep-seated happiness and Peace — primarily because a) they focused on my own benefit, which precluded me from attaining the real Joy that only comes from Caring for others, and b) they kept me from noticing the much greater Gifts that were being offered to me while I was so busy trying to achieve what I thought was “better” …
2) I have also learned that the only time real BLISS is attained is in the present moment. As such, all energies invested in the future actually keep us from truly in-JOY-ing the life we already have!
That having all been said, I DO aspire to do the most good I can for others in the limited time I have left in this lifetime. I wake up each day thankful for another chance to bring others Peace &/or Joy, and then I set out to do just that until I go to bed that night … Then I simply wake up and do it all over again. My life is literally FULL of deep-seated Happiness and peace and Wonderment; an abundance that the fulfillment of any personally beneficial goals or dreams cannot hope to touch.
And this is not merely a bunch of “philosophical foof”. I have actually LIVED this particular Truth for over seven years of my life, in all sorts of situations and levels of material “wealth” (including abject poverty) — and it has worked for me every time!
Certainly something to consider … It gives “going with the Flow” some deeper meaning, n’est ce pas?