Just last month, Wayne Hsuing (co-founder of the rapidly growing and impressively effective DXE movement) was arrested for walking into a San Francisco slaughterhouse and walking out with an injured chicken who had been abused, who was being horrifically confined, and who was about to be brutally murdered. Essentially, Wayne was arrested for doing the […]
My dear Friends, let us work TODAY to liberate all victims of violence in our communities. Oppressed minorities, tortured animals, and victims of war (especially those casualties caused at home & abroad by our own governments) — this is the Trinity of victims that we need to be striving to liberate — this is the […]
Before Tom Regan (professor emeritus of philosophy at North Carolina State University) passed away in February of this year (RIP, my dear Friend), he was a shining beacon of Justice & Compassion in a world darkened by greed & callousness … Tom Regan had the moral wherewithal to SEE back in the 1980’s what so […]
Isn’t it wonderful to hear that we can all even now do something powerful to halt injustice & crush oppression? And isn’t it just as wonderful to learn that we can all do something significant right this very minute to not only heal our dying planet but save our species from a massive extinction event […]