Wanting to LIVE … (06/19/17)
Isn’t it wonderful to hear that we can all even now do something powerful to halt injustice & crush oppression? And isn’t it just as wonderful to learn that we can all do something significant right this very minute to not only heal our dying planet but save our species from a massive extinction event that is already on its way to you & yours as well?
You bet it is!
Of course, there is a huge gap between having the opportunity to do something wonderfully powerful & brilliantly significant and actually doing the same … Indeed, a capability — no matter how wondrous it might be — means nothing until it is courageously enlivened.
And yet YOU have that very capability my Friends … YOU have the capability to stand for Justice and YOU have the capability to help save not only yourself and your loved ones but the rest of humanity — if not the rest of all the sentient life on Earth as well.
So now that you know that you have this amazing ability, won’t you please take the next step and actualize it today?