Wayne’s Witnessing … (06/22/17)

Just last month, Wayne Hsuing (co-founder of the rapidly growing and impressively effective DXE movement) was arrested for walking into a San Francisco slaughterhouse and walking out with an injured chicken who had been abused, who was being horrifically confined, and who was about to be brutally murdered. Essentially, Wayne was arrested for doing the Right Thing.

I have been saying for months now that we will know when the Animal Rights Movement has reached its all-important “tipping point” when activists not only continue to speak out loudly and protest boldly against the vile & unjust abuses being perpetrated upon our defenseless animal cousins, but when they start willingly choosing to go to jail for them as well.


Wayne has been one of the modern leaders of the call for social justice, and it is no surprise to me that he is one of the first of soon to be many who are now once again laying their own freedom on the line to champion the ultimate Freedom our animal cousins.

Wayne, you are nothing less than a Hero, and it is an honor to honor you today … Thank you, and all those fighting beside you. for standing up to this most despicable of travesties.

Until every cage is empty, my Friend … Until every cage is empty.


“A friend of mine called and said that he had spotted a stalled transport truck with a downed dairy cow inside … I arrived to witness the grisly scene. A poor cow had collapsed on the ground inside the truck, and was lying in a 3-inch-deep cesspool of feces and urine. We could see her wide, terrified eyes staring into nothingness, and her entire body quivering ever so slightly. And yet she was making no sounds. The other cows had already been transferred to another truck, and they had trampled her broken body as they did so; giving her bloody wounds and lesions that were clearly visible, in bright red, through the thick layer of filth … Her udder was swollen to many times its normal size, and we noticed a ghastly sliver of flesh hanging from the gate mechanism above her. (It was later suggested to us that this might have been her tongue. Cows tend to lick the sides of the truck in search of moisture when confined therein, but when it’s a frozen mechanized gate that you are licking, that can lead to tragic consequences) … As I said, the other cows had already been removed, which left our poor friend alone in her quiet torment … She died that day before our very eyes, on the filthy floor of a bloody transportation truck. We witnessed her body go cold, and her eyes stop moving — her entire life having been enslaved and twisted by violence and prejudice.

Each and every one of us know in the abstract about the billions of individuals suffering and dying all around us. We have all seen footage and images from the concentration camps we euphemistically call “farms.” And yet nothing is quite so impactful as seeing an innocent being die in enormous pain before your own eyes. I’ve witnessed the tortuous death of innocent victims like her a few times before, and that is a few times too many … This simply HAS to stop.” ~ Wayne Hsuing