Gratitude 33 … Silence

Today I am grateful for Silence … … the ultimate calm from which all life springs; … that place of rest from which is born all motion; the complete canvas of nothingness upon which the myriads of matter paints its many masterpieces … And interestingly enough, I am just as thankful that we humans do […]

Gratitude 34 … “The Way”

Today I am grateful for “The Way” — not the mental/emotional “path to salvation” preached by the dogma of the Christian church, but rather the active & practical Way shared by the founding mystics and Masters (Jesus included) of all the world’s more prevalent faiths. The Way is a lifestyle that mandates only one thing:  […]

Gratitude 35 … Faith

Today I am grateful for Faith — not the “faith” that others cling to bring them “peace of mind” from a concrete assurance of salvation in the hereafter, but rather the Faith that knows nothing of such self-centered hopes and has no such desires or expectations. Indeed, I speak here of a Faith that knows […]

Gratitude 36 … Fortitude

Today I am grateful for Fortitude — not the typical “strengths” we have been taught to praise, for real Fortitude has little to do with the powers we possess, and rather everything to do with being able to Give of those same strengths to others.  For me, Fortitude has nothing to do with “making life […]

Gratitude 37 … Weakness

Today I am grateful for “weakness” — though not the typical “powerlessness” or “timidity” we have been taught to shun.  You see, for me, true Weakness has nothing to do with how much force I can exert upon situations, and everything to do with how much Power I have to harmonize with them.  For me, […]

Gratitude 38 … Consciousness

Today I am thankful for consciousness – not only the fundamental awareness of our individual existence, but also the ability possessed by every single sentient being to feel its own particular time & space within the Cosmos (if we so choose) … For consciousness – the ability to be aware of – and be responsible […]

Gratitude 39 … Conscience

Today I am thankful for the Guidance given to all sentient beings in every moment of their lives – both the external “languages” of synchronicity and archetype, as well as the internal “voice” of our True Self – what many call the human conscience. And I am thankful for this greatest of Gifts even though […]

Gratitude 40 … Divinity & the Divine

Today I am once again thankful for that Essence many call “God” – the fabric of space & time; the wellspring of all wonder & inspiration; the birthplace of unconditional Love; the latticework of sub-quantum interrelations; and the source of Cosmic Energy that co-generates all being & interpenetrates the entirety of The All. This Essence […]

40 Days of Gratitude … a brief Summation