Gratitude 39 … Conscience

Today I am thankful for the Guidance given to all sentient beings in every moment of their lives – both the external “languages” of synchronicity and archetype, as well as the internal “voice” of our True Self – what many call the human conscience. And I am thankful for this greatest of Gifts even though – as Carl Jung so astutely pointed out — the vast majority of potentially conscious beings remain enslaved to the routines & habits & thoughts & emotions of the subconscious shadow-world; controlled subtly yet mercilessly by both desires primal & fears primitive for the vast majority of their lives …

And yet, this does not take away from the fact that we are truly ONE with our surroundings, that we effectively “communicate” with the same via the decisions we make, and that those surroundings also “communicate” with us in return; responding to our causes with effects, and to the energetic “transmissions” of our choices with similarly unique and perfectly commensurate archetypal “responses”.

The question, then, is no longer whether such avenues of communication & streams of information exist (They do!), but rather solely whether or not we will choose to use the vast, largely untapped resources in our current mind-bodies to access the same.

And even though I realize that my own choices of perception are largely responsible, I remain thankful for the “synchronous” ways in which my environment seems to “speak” to me …

It does so using symbols:

It does so using surprise:

It does so using archetype:

By the way, the archetypal meaning of a red-winged blackbird riding a red-tail hawk is “flow effortlessly with Nature by humbly looking upon its happenings from a bigger perspective”

And it does so using inspiration:

And I am also thankful for my conscience – that inner “Moral Compass” that allows me and every other every sentient being to innately understand the difference between actions that are “right” (i.e. Caring) and those that are “wrong” (i.e. self-centered); that hidden wisdom that always encourages me to do the kind thing over the selfish one. Its advice is soft and sometimes difficult to hear, and yet it is always there.

Whooooo? You!

And this “inner voice” is something to which we can all relate. Indeed, when the cultural norms of human societies are examined – both those throughout history, as well as those thriving today, a common moral denominator that crosses all boundaries of class & creed & culture is clearly seen. For when this examination is undertaken with any semblance of objectivity, it can be clearly noted that the laws & social norms of all these various communities revolve or have revolved around a common set of values; a common understanding of “good” & “evil”; a common understanding of “right” & ‘wrong”…

And in addition, quite a bit of the latest bio-physiological research is showing that this sentient commonality is not only the result of the similar ways we interact with one another on a psychological level, but also that our brains are apparently “hard-wired” to seek out – and respond fluidly to – compassionate kindness. These discoveries are pointing to the very real existence of a what can only be appropriately termed a “Heart Brain” within the body of every sentient being …

… that every sentient body has both only an intellectual awareness of its own existence, but also an innate “emotional intelligence” of its own as well – an intelligence that is adept at both perceiving one’s innate Oneness with others, as well as responding harmoniously to the same.

And yet regardless of from whence these empathic communications originate; whether their Calling to Harmony is showered upon us from our surroundings,

… or is received from within,

… today I am thankful for those directions. And as such I will awake each day intending to pay attention,


… so that I might notice the messages reminding me to Love,

… that I might then act accordingly, and more smoothly flow towards my Great Destiny,

… and return to being One with both my True Self and my Universe.

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!