Gratitude 33 … Silence

Today I am grateful for Silence …

… the ultimate calm from which all life springs;

… that place of rest from which is born all motion; the complete canvas of nothingness upon which the myriads of matter paints its many masterpieces …

And interestingly enough, I am just as thankful that we humans do not have the equipment necessary to objectively perceive this stillness.  For even in the most quiet of moments, there is always the low buzz of our blood coursing through our veins; the dull hum of our body’s electrons spinning around and within each other; the faint echo of all we have ever heard in the past …

And yet we can know this Silence on a deeper, intuitive level.  We can feel it in the smile of an infant, we can see it in the flight of an owl, we can witness it in the center of a rose, we can taste it in the savoring of each day’s first morsel of sunrise – and all other such moments of perfect balance that remind us of the ever-present Divine …

We are touched by it in every cool breeze, and every first instant of warmth when the sun peeks again from behind a cloud …

And we know it as well every time we reach out to touch it in return — every time we see a loved one after an absence of any significant length; every time we become re-filled with the pure Stillness that unconditional Love always brings …

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!