Myth #33: “But what if you were stranded on a deserted island?”

This is truly one of my favorite myths; so much so that even though it employs a patently ridiculous hypothetical, I will respond as though it isn’t ridiculous at all — I will respond as though any one of us actually could one day become stranded on a deserted island, with no hope of rescue […]

Myth #34: “But you vegans aren’t perfect.”

(also heard as “But you kill bugs when you drive”, or “But you use medicine that was tested on animals”, or “But you have a leather sofa”, or “But you occasionally step on ants”, etc etc etc etc etc) My dear Friends, veganism is not about being perfect; it is about striving to consciously live […]

Myth #35: “But vegans kill animals while harvesting.”

The critical difference is this — there is absolutely nothing in the harvesting of edible plants that requires the sacrifice of any sentient animals. Yes, it is true that some animals are inadvertently killed during planting and harvest, and while this is indeed regrettable, it is in no way a direct consequence of veganism. Indeed, […]

Myth #36: “But vegan crops cause deforestation.”

Actually, quite the opposite is true … The driving force behind global deforestation is animal agriculture. We humans are cutting down approximately one acre of Amazonian rainforest per second every day right now (and over 260 million acres have been razed in the United States as well), and the reason behind this massive destruction of […]

Myth #37: “Veganism will cause a global recession.”

Actually, the opposite is more probably true … Lusk & Norwood performed an economic study in 2009 that showed that not only does a shift towards plant-based foods lower production prices and save consumers money (thereby freeing up capital to be re-invested in local economies), but that it is also much less costly for farmers […]

Myth #38: “But the meat & dairy industry provides jobs.”

If you accept the official figures*, about 40,000 meatpacking workers are killed or injured on the job every year in the United States alone. And yet those figures are probably significantly low — due to the meat industry having a well-documented history of discouraging injury reports, falsifying injury data, and putting injured workers back on […]

Myth #39: “Veganism discriminates against minorities.”

While going vegan does pull the plug on supporting an industry that primarily employs poor people of color, and while the principle of veganism would indeed be difficult to immediately employ in the very few regions of the world where people are actually starving due to inadequate agriculture, this in no way means that vegans […]

Myth #40: “You vegans hate farmers.”

Actually, once again the opposite is true. Not only will a transition from corporate factory farms to vegan farms provide the farming community with more jobs and individual farmers with more money, it will provide them with a far superior work environment to boot! And this says nothing of the peace of mind that would […]

Myth #41: “But most farmers are kind to their animals.”

The truth of the matter is — over 99% of all the meat & eggs & dairy products in stores today come from animals who were not only enslaved and murdered in their youth, but who were also treated absolutely horrifically before their terrible end. Indeed, the vast majority of farmed animals today are castrated, […]

Myth #42: “But I only eat humane meat.”

First & foremost my Friends, there is absolutely no such thing as “cruelty-free meat” – and there most certainly is no such thing as “humane slaughter” … Leaving aside the fact that many of the most egregious cases of animal cruelty have been documented on “cage-free” &/or “small-family” &/or “animal friendly” farms, every single farmed […]

Myth #43: “But I crave meat.”

This might be news to you, but your powerful meat-cravings are not a reason to continue eating meat, they are actually a sign that you need to STOP … It is true that most meat-eaters end up feeling a bit “down” &/or low on energy if they don’t eat meat for a significant period of […]