becoming a true Witness … (08/03/12)
The truly humble “Man of God” witnesses his sincere Faith with his caring deeds, not his pious preaching … she does so with her acts of gentle Kindness, not her harsh words of condemnation.
The truly humble “Man of God” witnesses his sincere Faith with his caring deeds, not his pious preaching … she does so with her acts of gentle Kindness, not her harsh words of condemnation.
The matter is quite simple … The teachings on Love in the Bible are actually very easy to understand. And yet many Christians use other verses in the Bible itself to justify not being Kind to those with beliefs or lifestyles different than their own. They use their religion to justify the ultimate damnation of […]
The true “Man of GOD” refuses to be wealthier than the poorest member of his or her congregation … … “And yet judgement is best left to Him” ~ Julie Honeycutt … and discernment is only left to us! “Do not judge by appearances, but discern with unbiased perception.” ~ Jesus (John 7:24) “Brothers and […]
“If there is no laughter — at the very least on the inside, then Jesus has gone somewhere else. If there is no palpable joy in living and no flagrant freedom of belief, then there is no true church … If there is no celebration, then there is no pure worship.” ~ inspired by Steve […]
“You cannot devote your life to an abstraction. Indeed, life always shatters each & every abstraction in one way or another, including the concepts of ‘faith’ & ‘belief’ & ‘salvation’ & ‘truth’. If God — or the numinous, or the transcendent, or the Divine — is not alive in the very fabric of your existence; […]
“Religious belief is a fine guide around which a person might organize his own life, but an awful instrument around which to organize someone else’s life.” ~ Richard D. Mohr I’ve got quite a few American friends who are self-professed conservative Christians. They believe that Christianity is the only “true religion”, and that all who […]
“One of Jesus’ most scandalous stories is the story of the Good Samaritan. As sentimental as we may have made it, the original story was about a man who gets beat up and left on the side of the road. A priest passes by. A Levite, the quintessential religious guy, also passes by on the […]
Yesterday, Jason Collins became the first active male player in the four major American professional sports to openly profess his homosexuality. And, while the response to this highly courageous act has been mostly supportive, Chris Broussard — an NBA analyst — expressed a very different opinion; a belief that is all too commonly found in […]
What better theme for Easter weekend than “attaining Salvation” — a blessing traditionally limited (at least for Christians) by one’s beliefs about God & Jesus, as well as by the ways we choose to worship them (or not). Of course, it wouldn’t be very Kind towards my non-Christian Friends to address this important theme in […]
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” ~ unknown Each & every one of us has a pretty good idea of what is “right” & what is “wrong”. Each & every one of us has a pretty good idea about what is “bad” & what […]
“Who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common decency to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?” ~ Mark Twain Funny, I don’t remember Jesus making any exceptions to his commandment to “Love your enemies”. In fact, Jesus went out of his way to show over & over & […]