How can I assist the Great Shift? … (07/10/10)

“I’m optimistic about the future, but not about the future of our current civilization.

I’m optimistic about the civilization that will replace this one.” ~ James Baldwin


Truly, it is just such an attitude that can indeed bring about a Great Shift in humanity; a shift that must soon be realized in order to stave off the impending extinction of our species.

And it is even more important for us all to remember that we cannot do our part to effectuate such an evolution of Character by waiting for it to happen.  Our political and religious leaders are ill-equipped to help us; with the former still determined to use war as a futile means to bring Peace, and the latter still determined to use fear & condemnation as hypocritical means to inspire Harmony.

And yet we do not have to sink into another “Dark Age” in order to learn from these mistakes.  Instead, we can come together and show our leaders the world we want with our actions as opposed to our angry words.

We must truly become the very Peace (inner & outer) we wish to see.

Dalton Roberts noted that “at some point we will see that we have no right to impose our will on other nations and cultures. There is no way to bomb away world diversity. At some point, we will have to start looking for areas of common interest with all nations and cultures rather than flaunting our values as if they are superior. No culture is superior. We are all just different … When we are finally so weary of war and [condemnation] that we  realize they will never work, we will throw ourselves into Peace-making with enough enthusiasm to make the world work for all nations [and religions] … Only time will tell but one thing is certain: each of us has the chance now to start the leaven of hope and peace in our own hearts.”

Unrealistic, you say?  On a global scale, possibly so.  And yet we do not live on a global scale — We live only in this moment and we live only where we already are; and this “Here&Now” is the time & place where we are each Power-full.

We are not called to “save the world”.  Rather, we are each blessed with the constant opportunity to be an example of Peace & Love.  Our job is to simply keep looking in the mirror and be the most potent Force for Kindness possible.

It only takes a small percentage of any group behaving (mere belief or discussion is not enough) in a harmonious way to “awaken” everyone in their immediate environment.  This is the “critical mass” required to effectuate any “quantum leap”.  It is as true sociologically as it is in the world of physics.  These days, we may only have one or two people out of each million actually walking “The Way” (i.e. actively caring for those who are harming or annoying them), and yet it’s possible that we only need 100 per million to effectuate a mass-Awakening in our species.  And that’s not such a huge number at all …

So smiles all around, I say!  Regardless of what happens, the Universe will continue to bloom … And who knows?  Maybe — just maybe — we humans will wake up in time to tend that garden and revel in its blossoming.

The only question that remains:  are you going to be one of the few who come together to do so?