Gratitude 15 … Sustenance

Today I am grateful for sustenance — both those substances that energize me my body & mind when ingested from without, as well as those that sustain my spirit & Soul when partaken me from within …

*I am thankful for the air that carries oxygen into my body; the same air that brings me gentle harmonies on its soft breezes …


*And I am thankful for the sun’s light that has enlivened the plant-based foods that continue to emPower my existence.

*I am thankful for the water — the stuff of which I am made and the fuel that both smoothes & sanctifies my living …

*And I am thankful for the sustenance of Love — the Love that has me caring for this moment like a long-lost Friend; the Love that has me has me both feeling faint when left by a lover, and that brings me the greatest Peace when I choose to keep loving anyway — and the Love that thereafter enCourages me to See everyone and everything as my Beloved …

*And yet first and foremost, I am thankful for the ability to be otherwise thankful — to rejoice in the success of others ahead of my own, to celebrate the joys of others as if they belonged to me, to smile while watching lovers as if I were the one wrapped in their bliss … It is this form of selfless gratitude that makes Oneness real. Every time I wish others health when I myself am ill, every time I give others strength when I myself am tired, every time I send others contentment when I myself am worried — these are the moments when I am blessed beyond measure by the ability to go beyond the mere concept of Oneness and dive deeply into its Reality instead.

And so it is that I climb to my proverbial mountaintop, take a deep breath filled with profound reverence, and let loose with a long & loud –

Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!