on responding to “evil” … (01/17/09)

What to do with “evil” and how to respond to “evil people” are hot topics these days in certain circles, and while I have absolutely no hope or desire of changing anyone’s mind on this volatile issue, I have learned a few things over the past several years that it would be wise to at least consider …

1)  Being kind to oppressive forces (“evil”), does not require tolerating malicious behaviors.  Indeed, I never respond with mere “tolerance” to cruelty.  Rather, I respond with active Love; standing courageously in the way of those doing the killing while forgiving them their past transgressions.  As “evil” actions do not come from an innate evil nature, but rather a lack of such unconditional Acceptance, this response is the only one that can ever prove to be truly effective …

2)  Non-violence is not passive.  It is active.  It never waits to try a “less violent approach if time allows”, but instead engages evil with powerfully Loving actions; immediately & courageously.

3)  Despite common notions to the contrary, it is impossible to effectively “take up the cause” of a victim of violence by using violence.  Such responses only serve to encourage those enemies to re-inflict their violent deeds elsewhere upon others.

4)  God’s compassion is Real.  It exists within each of us because we experience pain and injustice in life.  We have all been given the ability to transcend our animalian, instinctive reactions to evil deeds (e.g. eye-for-an-eye, “self-defense”, preemptive strikes, “just wars”).  Because we have a functional neo-cortex, we can all choose to transcend those primitive, emotional reactions and respond consciously instead — with acts of courageous compassion (e.g. forgiveness, kindness, empathy).

Pain will happen in life, and yet that pain is also the source of pure Bliss for all beings who have the courage to act as facets of The ONE (via acts of courageously pacifist understanding), as opposed to being mere protectors of themselves, their friends & family, or their own tribe(s) …

It may be “reasonable” or “rational” or “just” to attack an enemy who has attacked us, and yet such a choice always leads to our sense of enmity becoming entrenched and our sense of suffering becoming intensified.  And, on a practical level, it encourages our enemies to defend themselves and grow even stronger.

Indeed, my Mission is not to convince anyone that I am Right, but merely to re-awaken that 1% of 1% of humanity who will join me in becoming a “critical mass” — a sub-culture that will finally allow our species to avoid the plummet into the next Dark Ages.

Will you aid The Cause?

John Lewis & former Klansman Elwin Wilson hug 48 years after Lewis beat Wilson for trying to enter a "whites only" waiting room.